Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told an audience in the town of Kerman that Tehran is preparing a new package of proposals for the west, aimed at resolving a lengthy international dispute over its nuclear program. 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德在伊朗城市克尔曼发表演讲时说,德黑兰正在准备向西方国家提出一整套新提议,以解决长期以来就其核项目问题产生的国际争端。
The United Nations will try to arbitrate the international dispute. 联合国将设法仲裁国际纠纷。
WTO accession has also helped promote the rule of law in China and subjected the country to binding international dispute settlement procedures. 入世还促进了中国的法制建设,让中国服从于国际争端解决程序。
We stand for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute. 我们一贯主张和平解决这一国际争端。
An international dispute may be caused by an unfriendly but legal act. 某一国际争端可能是由某种不友好但却是合法的行为引起的。
The United Nations will try to arbitrate in the international dispute. 联合国将就这一国际争端进行仲裁。
Yet, as economies around the world slump and protectionist pressures rise, the claim that China is keeping its currency artificially low to boost its exports could easily reignite as an international dispute. 不过,随着世界各国的经济走向萧条、贸易保护主义压力上升,关于中国正人为地将本币汇率维持在较低水平、以促进出口的说法,可能很容易被重新提起,成为一种国际争议。
Iran said yesterday it was dramatically expanding its nuclear programme, in a move that raises the stakes in the international dispute over the programme and which could further inflame tensions in the Middle East. 伊朗昨日表示,将大幅扩充其核计划。此举令围绕该国核计划的国际争端更加事关重大,并可能进一步激化中东地区的紧张局势。
We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms. 我们主张通过协商解决国际争端,而不主张诉诸武力。
Our Chinese courts should learn from the pertinent modus operandi in the international dispute settlement mechanism to further perfect the trial activities. 我国应借鉴国际争议解决机制中的相关做法对我国法院的审判活动进行规范和完善。
Both in theory and in practice of international law, domestic law itself may be separately challenged in international dispute settlement processes. 在一般国际法理论与实践中,国内法本身可以单独构成国际争端解决程序的诉因。
WTO anti-dumping dispute solution mechanism include anti-dumping domestic dispute solution mechanism and anti-dumping international dispute solution mechanism. WTO反倾销争端解决机制包括反倾销争端国内解决机制和反倾销争端国际解决机制。
Settling the international dispute peacefully is the cardinal principle of the UN and international law. 国际争端解决不好就会导致严重的后果,甚至发生战争。和平解决国际争端是联合国的宗旨和国际法基本原则。
China must face the international dispute of the exchange rate of RMB for one's own interests. 中国为了自己的利益,也必须正视人民币汇率的问题。
China's Theory and Practice of Settling International Dispute Peacefully 论我国和平解决国际争端的理论与实践
It was applied to two cases. One is to the international dispute; 它使用在两个方面:一是对国际争端的态度;
Among current international relations, accompanied with the idea of solving the international dispute and maintaining peace and steady in local place which was agreed with by most of countries is "humanistic intervention", which the western big countries more and more like to put into effect. 在当今国际关系中,与大多数国家所认同的在联合国框架内来解决国际争端和维护地区和平稳定这一理念相伴的,是西方大国越来越多地付诸实施的人道主义干预。
As a judicial international dispute settlement mechanism, the WTO dispute settlement mechanism shows us the trend to strengthen constantly the power of international law through the institution designing and judicial practice. 世贸组织争端解决机制作为一个司法性国际争端解决机制,不论是其制度设计,还是其司法实践,都体现了国际法拘束力不断加强的发展趋势。
Moreover, in recent years, with great development of international judicial system, international dispute settlement has a typical characteristic of judicial tendency, which deserves our attention. 而且,近些年国际司法机制得到了迅猛的发展,国际争端解决出现了一种司法化的倾向,值得我们关注。
On the Role of NGOs in the International Dispute Settlement Mechanism 论非政府组织在国际争议解决机制中的作用
Crisis of water resources and international dispute 水资源危机与国际争端
WTO dispute solving mechanism is the innovation and development of the international dispute solving methods. WTO争端解决机制是对整个国际争端解决法的创新和发展。
Anti-dumping dispute, an international dispute that arises very frequently in modern international trade, exerts a great negative influence on the normal operation of international trade. 反倾销争端是当前国际贸易中发生频率非常高的一种国际争端,对国际贸易的正常进行产生了很大的负面影响。
For international dispute, it is advisable to settle the dispute by negotiation and amicable settlement, but if it is impossible, a party may have no choice but to consider relying on a lawsuit or arbitration like. 国际纠纷争的情况与国内纠纷的情况相同,通过双方当事人之间的协议或和解来解决纠纷是最合理的,但是协商不可能解决的,应当考虑诉讼或仲裁的纠纷解决方法。
Judicial methods are the trends of international criminal justice development to pursue international dispute solution and combat international crimes. 通过法律途径解决国际争端、惩罚国际犯罪,是国际刑事司法发展的必然。
First of all, judicialization of the international dispute settlement brings the transformation from the traditional diplomatic method to judicial or quasi-judicial method. 首先,国际争端解决的司法化应当意味着传统的外交争端解决机制逐步被司法或准司法机制所代替。
Having brought out questions arising from diversification of international dispute settlement, this chapter mainly discussed the influence of diversified international dispute settlement on international law in positive perspectives. 在第一章提出国际争端解决机制多样化带来的问题之后,本章主要从正面讨论多样化的国际争端解决机制对国际法的影响。
For this reason, some scholars criticize the trend of diversification of international dispute settlement regime and bring out the question of whether international law is able to maintain its unification. 有学者因此对国际争端解决机制的多样化趋势进行批评,并提出国际法是否还能保持其体系性和一致性的问题。
The traditional international dispute settlement shall be deemed as an ordinary solution to dispute settlement in intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with the climate change. 传统国际争端解决方法可以作为应对气候变化政府间合作中争端解决的一般方法。